*Actual shipping times may vary depending on FedEx/DHL service availability.
If you are ordering your first card under a specific balance, and
have sufficient funds in your Payoneer account, you will have the option to order your card via express shipping.
To order a card from your Payoneer account via express shipping:
1. Sign in to Payoneer.
2. Select
Bank and cards.
Click on
Payoneer cards.
Order now.
5. Select a physical card, choose your currency, and verify your
shipping address.
6. Under
Shipping method, select
Express shipping.
7. Click on
Order card.
To ensure that FedEx/DHL can contact you to schedule delivery, please make sure to
confirm your phone number by selecting
Profile settings under the
Settings menu in your online account and update your number if it’s no longer valid.
Note: You must have sufficient funds in your Payoneer account to cover the express shipping cost.
If you need further assistance ordering a card via express shipping, please
contact us with your shipping address in the following format: